Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
- Routine maintenance
   Active system of the warning of the term of approach planned THAT (ASSYST)
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   General information on control
   Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them, designation of tires and disks of wheels, rotation of wheels
   Replacement of motive oil and oil filter
   Check of the brake system
   Check of fuel system, replacement of the fuel filter
   Check of a state and replacement of hoses of a motive compartment, localization of leaks
   Check of a condition of ridge belts of the streaming drive of auxiliary units
   Check of functioning of the cooling system and frost resistance of cooling liquid, liquid replacement
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Check of the ATF level, replacement of the AT filter
   Visual check of tightness of automatic transmission
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Check of the air conditioning system
   Lubricant of limiters of doors and cylinders of locks
   Visual control of a seat belt and block of a safety cushion
   Check of operability of headlights and horn
   Check of a state, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging
   Replacement of the saloon filter
   Replacement of brake fluid
   Check and replacement of spark plugs, check of a condition of high-voltage wires (petrol models)
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Gear shifting box
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Check of fuel system, replacement of the fuel filter

Gasoline is extremely flammable therefore during the work with any components of fuel system it is necessary to take special precautionary measures.

You do not smoke, and do not approach the venue of works with naked flame or the carrying unprotected by the lamp shade.

You do not perform such works in the garages equipped with the heating devices using natural gas (such as vodogre, dryers, etc.). The working platform has to be ventilated well.

At hit of gasoline on skin immediately wash away it water with soap.

When carrying out any works with fuel system put on goggles and you hold near at hand the fire extinguisher. In case of a gasoline spillage immediately wipe a pool, but you do not keep the rags impregnated with gasoline in places where it can self-ignite.


If you felt a gasoline smell during the movement or after the car stood in the sun, it is necessary to check a condition of all fuel system immediately.


1. Uncover the fuel tank and check it for existence of damages and corrosion. The sealing insert on a cover has to be whole. In case of existence of damages or corrosion replace a cover.
2. Survey inlet and returnable lines of fuel system on existence of cracks. Make sure that connections between lines of fuel system and system of injection of fuel, and also between lines of fuel system and the built-in fuel filter did not weaken.

On the cars equipped with system of injection of fuel before serving fuel hoses, it is necessary to dump pressure in system (see the Section of the Security measure and the rule of respect for purity during the work with fuel system of the Head of the Power supply system and release).

3. As some components of fuel system - for example, the fuel tank and some lines of fuel system - are in the lower part of the car, it is easier to examine them when the car is raised by the winch. If it is impossible, the car and install to a poddomkratta it on support.
4. On the raised car examine the fuel tank and a bulk mouth on existence of holes, cracks and other damages. Pay special attention to a condition of connection between a bulk mouth and a tank. Sometimes leak of fuel happens owing to weakening of collars of fastening of a rubber mouth or because of mouth material damage. Examine all arms and tapes of fastening of the fuel tank to make sure that it is reliably strengthened on the car.

Never, under no circumstances, try to repair the fuel tank (excepting replacement of its rubber components). The flame of the welding machine or any other naked flame can easily lead to explosion of evaporations of gasoline in a tank.

5. Carefully check all fuel hoses and metal lines going from a tank for existence of the weakened connections, twisting, signs of wear of materials of hoses and other damages. If necessary you make repair or replace the damaged sections.

Replacement of the fuel filter

Petrol engines

Replacement of the fuel filter on petrol engines

51 — the Collar
52 — the Forcing tube
53 — the Returnable tube
55 — the Fuel filter

56 — the Tape from a foil
57 — a clamp
58 — the Bolt
62 — Sealing rings
69 — the Cover


1. Open a cover of the fuel tank.
2. Disconnect returnable (53) and forcing (52) tubes.
3. Disconnect the forcing tube (52) from the fuel filter.
4. Install the new filter with a tape from a foil (56).
5. Start the engine and check lack of leak of fuel.

OHM diesel engine 603

Remove the preliminary fuel filter. Establish it by an arrow in the direction of a stream of fuel.

OHM diesel engine 606

Replacement of the fuel filter on the diesel engine 606

70/2 — the Fuel filter
74 — the Full bolt of nipple connection

74/1 — the cut-off Valve
76, 76/1 — Sealing

On some models the full-line filter with a separator can be installed instead of the fuel filter which differs in lack of a drain stopper in the lower part of the filter.

Removal of air from a power supply system of the diesel engine

If the engine stopped owing to full depletion of the fuel tank, then after gas station it is necessary to remove air from a power supply system. For this purpose within no more than 60 seconds without interruption start the engine until it begins to work steadily.