Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Gear shifting box
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- Onboard electric equipment
   Diagnostics of malfunctions of onboard electric equipment - the general information
   Check of the electric motor of a screen wiper
   Check of the warmed back glass
   Replacement of glow lamps
   Electric safety locks
   Installation of electric and electronic devices
   Arrangement of the basic electric elements of system of electric equipment of a body of the car
   - Schematic diagrams of electric equipment
      Control system of the engine of models of 3.2 l
      Control system of the engine of models 4.2 and 5.0 of l
      System of start
      System of a charge
      Automatic transmission
      System of blocking of switching of AT
      Electronic system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
      Electronic suspension bracket
      System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS) of the models equipped with the traction control system (ASR)
      System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS) of the models equipped with antistrange system (ESP)
      Engine cooling system fan
      Combination of devices
      Illumination of devices
      External lighting fixtures on the Sedan models with usual headlights
      External lighting fixtures on the Sedan models with xenon headlights
      External lighting fixtures
      Headlights of standard type
      Xenon headlights
      Running fires of daylight (DRL)
      Backing fires on the Sedan models
      Backing fires on Coupet's models
      Illumination of salon when opening doors
      Automatic switching of the day/night modes of an internal rear-view mirror
      Parktronic system
      Heating of back glass
      Windshield cleaners/washers
      Cleaners/washers of headlights
      Heating of the washing liquid
      System of automatic air conditioning in salon
      System of automatic air conditioning in a back part of salon
      Anticreeping alarm system
      Uniform lock
      System of operational development of closing of doors
      Drive of an otpuskaniye of a latch of the lock of a cover of the luggage compartment
      Electric drive of window regulators
      Electric drive of adjustment of a driver's seat
      Electric drive of adjustment of a front passenger seat
      Electric drive of adjustment of a back seat of a continuous design
      Electric drive of adjustment of a four-seater back seat of a separate design
      Electric drive of a sun-protection blind of back glass
      Electric drive of folding top / cover of the top hatch
      Heating of front seats
      Heating of back seats
      Electric drive of back head restraints (Coupet)
      Device of the choice of comfortable provision of a seat belt (Sedan)
      Extender of a seat belt (Coupet)
      System of additional safety (SRS)
      The antenna electric drive (except models with the built-in cell phone and the Bose audio system)
      The antenna electric drive (models with the built-in cell phone)
      The antenna electric drive (models with the Bose audio system)
      Lines of data of the processor
      Memory of provision of adjustable rear-view mirrors and telescopic steering column
      Memory of provision of adjustable seats
      Radio receiver

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Schematic diagrams of electric equipment

Codes of designation of color of isolation of an electrical wiring




Abbreviations of signals and designation of contours



In + The output tension of the generator (it is activated at the started engine)
D + Working signal of the generator (as 61)
DFA Output signal of speed
DFAHL Output signal of the left back wheel of VSS
DFAVL Output signal of the left forward wheel of VSS
DFHL Sensor of the left back wheel of VSS
DFVR Sensor of the right back wheel of VSS
GES Signal of the sensor of the speed (VSS)
R50 Signal of the traction relay (after blocking of a starter)
- Minus
+ Plus
12VCD Tension of the battery or regulator of tension at the working engine
15 Powered off the battery (moves in provisions 2 and 3)
15C Powered off the battery (moves before extraction of a key)
15g Powered off the battery (it is protected by a safety lock)
15R Powered off the battery (moves in provisions 1, 2 and 3)
15u Powered off the battery (it is not protected by a safety lock)
15X Powered off the battery (moves in situation 2)
15Z Powered off the battery (moves in provisions 2 and 3)
30 Not powered off the battery
30a Not powered off the battery
30A Not powered off the battery (the party of "A")
30B Not powered off the battery (the party "In")
30E Not powered off the battery for electronics
30Z Powered off the battery (moves in provisions 2 and 3)
31 Grounding
31e Grounding for electronics
49 Breaker signal
49a Signal of the pulse breaker
50 Signal of the traction relay of a starter
53 Low-speed mode of functioning of screen wipers
53b High-speed mode of functioning of screen wipers
54 Signal of stoplights
54 Chain of stoplights
56a Chain of driving beam
56b Chain of passing beam
58 Chain of back marker/parking lights
58d Illumination of devices
58k Illumination of devices (not processed)
61 Working signal of the generator
61e Working signal of the generator
81 Signal of the reverse gear
81a Signal of the reverse gear (after switching of transmission)
85 Signal of management of the relay
85EDC Management of the IFI relay
85EDC Signal of management of the relay, electronic control of the diesel engine
85F Management of the relay of a horn
85LP Management of the relay of the air pump
86 Signal of management of the relay
86KP Management of the relay of the fuel pump
87 Exit of the relay (is not specified)
87ABS ABS food
87EGAS Supply voltage of the electronic accelerator pedal (EA)
87GES Battery tension (it is protected by a safety lock)
87LP Supply voltage of the air pump
87MOTR Supply voltage of system of injection of ME-SFI
875A Power supply of the optional equipment
87UG Relay exit (it is not protected by a safety lock)
87Z Relay exit (it is protected by a safety lock)
- 4-> Designates number of the electrical wiring connected to the corresponding terminal block or the contact socket
* The asterisk designates the socket, not all wires of which are shown.

The list of the used abbreviations




AT Automatic transmission
BMT Top dead point
GUR Power steering
D/V Sensor switch
I/U Actuation mechanism
K/B Air conditioner
K/P Valve switch
E/M Electromagnetic
E/MOTOR Electric motor
PR-L Safety lock
TENG Thermoelectric heating element

The Latin



AB Safety cushions
ABS System of anti-blocking of brakes
AC (A/C) Air conditioning system
ACC Position of the ignition key at the parking with the switched-on devices
ACSR System of an identification of installation of a children's seat
ADM Internal rear-view mirror with automatic switching of the day/night modes
ADS The automatic damping system of a suspension bracket
AIR (A.I.R.) Air admixture device
AP Accelerator pedal
AS Antenna systems
ASD Automatic blocking of differential
ASR Traction control system
AT Automatic transmission
ATA Anticreeping alarm system
B + The output tension of the generator (at the started engine)
BA Warning of the movement by a backing
BARO (Sensor) of atmospheric pressure
BAS Amplifier of emergency brake application
BCAPC Compensation of pressure of pressurization depending on atmospheric
BDC Lower dead point
BF Forward passenger (Front passenger)
BLS Sensor switch of stoplights
BLS (NC) Normally closed sensor switch of stoplights
BLS (NO) Normally opened sensor switch of stoplights
BM Basic module
BPC Compensation of barometric pressure
CA Closer of closing of a door
CAN The switched data exchange tire between the control unit and the controller of the operated knot
CAN H High level of a signal of the tire of the CAN engine
CAN H High level of a signal of the tire of the CAN engine
CAN IL Low level of a signal of the tire of CAN of the vnutrenny equipment
CANL Low level of a signal of the tire of the CAN engine
CC Control system of speed (темпостат)
CCM The combined module of management
CCS Seat with heating and ventilation
CDC CD changer
CF Comfort
CFI Electronic system of continuous injection
CKA Sensor of an angle of rotation of a bent shaft
CKP (Sensor) of provision of a bent shaft
CL Uniform lock
CLUS Combination of devices
CM Module of management
CMP (Sensor) of position of the camshaft
CTEL Cell phone
CTP Closed position of a butterfly valve (idling)
Anticreeping system with control of the admission
DFA Output signal of speed
DFAHL Output signal of the left back sensor of the speed (VSS)
DFAVL Output signal of forward VSS
DFHL Left back VSS
DFHR Output signal of the right back VVS
DFVL Output signal of the left forward VSS
DFVR Output signal of the right forward
DI System of direct ignition (without distributor)
DIAG Diagnostic socket
DIAGN Diagnostic socket
DLC Diagnostic socket
DM Diagnostic module
DRL (System) of running fires of daylight
DSV Start blocking device cut-off valve
DTC Diagnostic code
EA Electronic accelerator
EBR Braking adjustment by the engine
ECL (Sensor) of level of cooling liquid of the engine
ECM Electronic module of management
ECT (Sensor) of temperature of cooling liquid of the engine
ECU Electronic control unit
EDC Electronic control system of the diesel engine
EDR Electronic adjustment of the diesel engine
EDS Electronic control system of the diesel engine
EGR (System) of recirculation of the fulfilled gases
EIFI Electronic (system) of linear injection of fuel
EMSC System of adjustment of provision of a steering column and rear-view mirrors, heating of mirrors
EPC Electronic control system of engine capacity
ESA Electronic adjustment of seats
ESC Electronic control by ignition
ESC Electronic adjustment of a steering column
ESCM Module of management of systems of the engine
ESP Electronic system of stabilization of stability (antistrange system)
ETC Electronic control system of transmission
Device of an emergency tension of seat belts
ETS Electronic traction control system
EVAP System of catching of fuel evaporations
FAN Fanfare horn
FP Fuel pump
FSA- Minus systems of a public address system
FSA+ Plus systems of a public address system
GES Signal of speed of the movement of the car (VSS)
GIM Governor Impulse Method
GS Seat belt ETR
GST Reader of codes of malfunctions of standard type
HCS Faroochistiteli
HFM-SFI System of the consecutive distributed injection/ignition like HFM
HFS Hands Free system
HHT Manual tester
HS Heating of seats
IAT (Sensor) of temperature of the soaked-up air
IC Combination of devices
IDC The controller which is built in the dashboard
IFI Electronic system of linear injection of fuel (diesel engines)
IND Indicator
INFO Information center
INJ Fuel injector
INTERV Interval mode of functioning of screen wipers
IPS Signal of actual parameters of a potentiometer
IR Infrared radiation
IRCL Infrared system of remote control of functioning of activators of the uniform lock
ISC (System) of stabilization of turns of idling
IV Inlet valve
J/B Connecting block (block)
KICK-DOWN The AT mode lowering transfer for the maximum acceleration
KS Detonation sensor
Control plug
KSS System of the sensor of a detonation
KU - The coupling -
KU + Coupling +
LA Lamp output (preglow relay)
LED G Green light-emitting diode
LED R Red light-emitting diode
LF The left forward
LHS Left-side steering
LH-SFI System of the distributed consecutive injection / ignition like LH
LOCK The position of the ignition key blocking a wheel
LS Loudspeakers
LSK Contact of safety of idling
M - Minus electric motor
M + Plus electric motor
MAF The thermometric measuring instrument of mass of air on the basis of the warmed-up film
MAP Absolute pressure in the inlet pipeline
ME-SFI System of the central injection like ME
ME-SFI System of the consecutive distributed injection/ignition like ME
MIL Control lamp of refusals /" Check the engine"
MOT Electric motor
MSC Adjustment of mirrors of a back look / steering column / having warmed up of mirrors
MOSCOW TIME Contact of safety of open provision of a butterfly valve
MUTE Shutdown of a sound of the radio receiver
MVA Management of vacuum of the inlet pipeline
N Neutral provision of AT
O2S Lambda probe
OBD (System) of onboard diagnostics
OC Secondary catalytic converter
OFF Situation "Is switched off" the switch (the ignition lock)
OSB Orthopedic seatback
OV Final valve
P Parking provision of AT
P - Basic minus of a potentiometer
P + Basic plus of a potentiometer
PA System of the help at the parking
Sensor switch of the parking brake
PL Uniform lock
Device of partial preheating of the inlet pipeline
PNP (Sensor switch) of permission of start
POS Situation
PS System of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
PSE Pneumatic equipment
PTS Parktronic system
PWM Pulse-width modulation
R50 Signal of the traction relay of a starter (behind the sensor switch of blocking of a starter)
RCL Remote control of the uniform lock
RD Radio receiver
REST Device of utilization of residual heat
RF The right forward
Radio-frequency control of the uniform lock
RHR The cleaning-up back head restraints
RHS Heating of back seats
RPM Revolutions per minute
RR The right back
RTG The cleaning-up latch of a cover of the luggage compartment
RTN Returnable line
RTR Device of a remote otpuskaniye of a latch of the lock of a cover of the luggage compartment
RUN Position of the lock of ignition at the started engine
RX Reception
S Screen
S+B Installation dispersal
S-B Installation braking
SBE Seat belt extender
SC System of stabilization of turns of idling
SFI System of consecutive injection of fuel
SFI System of consecutive injection of fuel
SLO Unblocking of a starter
SMS Service Microfiche System
SN1 Unblocking signal
SN2 Blocking signal
SOV Valve switch
SPS (Module) of hydrostrengthening of a wheel sensitive to speed
SQUIB Fuse of pyrotechnics of security systems
SR Silvery
SR Mobile and folding cover of the top hatch
SRS Systems of additional safety (pillows and belts)
START Position of the lock of ignition at start of the engine
START Position of the lock of ignition at start of the engine
SW Switch
T Output temperature (preheat relay)
TAF Auxiliary safety lock of a cover of the luggage compartment
TAV Valve of ventilation of the fuel tank
TB Throttle case
TC Turbocompressor
TCM Module of management of transmission
TD Signal of the speed (Time Division)
TELE Telescopic
TK Door contact
TN Not modified signal of turns of the engine
TN Signal of the speed (EZL/AKR)
TNA The reformed signal of turns of the engine
TRAP TRAP oxidizer
TRIP Traveling computer
TRU Send-receive device
TS Towage sensor
TVV Valve of ventilation of the fuel tank
TWC 3-functional catalytic converter
TX Transfer
ULLKS Positive contact of turns of idling
USK Positive contact of safety
VAF Volume air stream
VL The left forward
VR The right forward
VSS Sensor/signal of speed of the movement of the car
WA Call of the kept data
WOT Full opening of a butterfly valve
Maud. ex. (CM) Module of management